Monday, November 21, 2011

"Pssssst! Psst! Moss wake  up!"  I cracked my eyes slighty to see Wynter's eyes smack infront of mine.  "Moss let's go!"  She was eagerly bouncing around the den squeeking mixed words, of which all I could pick out was "training, catch, hunt, berries".  When she was done ranting I shook my head and said, "Alrighty let's get started."

She darted in and out between my paws on the way out of camp for about five minutes before realizing that the weight of her new responsibilities have been placed on her shoulders, and slowed her pace. 

Little did she now I was already testing her.  I listened intently for the sound of prey, but so far none had shown.  Thinking of future training exercises, I didn't realize Wynter had dropped into the hunter's crouch we reviewd when she was a pup.  The sweet smell of rabbit wafted past my nose, almost enticing me enough to catch it on my own.  I could hear a low growl starting to rise in her throat, but she hushed herself before I could.  Her paw crunched down on a leaf, and the prey's head shot up before it turned to run.  Swift as lightining, a blur of her snow white pelt flashed by before she tumbled in a clumsy summersault.  I was preparing to comfort her when she sat up grinning ear to ear with the hare between her jaws, and shook leaves off her own pelt.

Warriors swarmed the unsuspecting Wynter as she bounced into camp, the kill dangling from her still smiling fangs.  Words of congratulations and praise where the last thing I heard before being called inbto Sam's den.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

After the ceremony the whole island was buzzing.  I giant bon fire blazed in the center of the crystal white sands.  Wolves were plunging into the water, sharing kill, telling stories of their training days and of vicious battles, and warming their pelts by the fire.  Wynter was radiating excitement as much as the fire was radiating heat.  She bounced and skittered between my legs and barked, "What do we do now? Do we go hunting? Find some enemies? Stand guard?" A gave an amused laugh and said, "This is your ceremony. Just relax and have fun. Lets enjoy the ocean."  That was all she needed to hear before charging into the undulating waters.

Tonight was a special night.  Tonight the moon was half submerged in the sea, and so close we could swim up and touch it.  It was Pure Moon, called so because there were only two nights a year when the moon would meet the water, and one of those night the moon was crisp, clean and pure, and the other it had three ragged scars running down its face.  The scars were there because many years ago, our enemies, the crows lead a viscous attack.  You may think it silly that extra large wolves each having their own special powers would be troubled by crows, but they are super-sized too, and three times as menacing.  They have a wingspan of at least seventeen feet, and they've learned to line their talons and the hooks of their beaks with an invincible mix of harsh metals, and when the battle is important enough, with poison.  The night of the Battle of MoonScar was a calm peaceful night, after the island was drowsily asleep from too much kill and warm ocean waves.  That was the night of the second ceremony night, because before the moon was scarred, it was beautiful and pure, setting the aqua ripples of our ocean aglow twice a year. Even our guard, Tadewi, had fallen asleep.  It was my first teacher, Ember, who was at the time just barely a week old, who let out a spine-tingling cry that woke the island.  Sam emerged growling fiercely as the shadow of black wings crossed over the moon, casting demonic images on the shore scaring the cubs.  A long howl rang out across the sand and warriors lept from their dens snarling wand growling, the fire of hate aglow in their eyes.  The first attack came, spiraling down, plummeting into un-expecting wolves, bronze talons tearing at their necks, and some being carried high by teams of two crows and dropped with a sickening thud, splattering the white sand crimson.  The hackles rose on the remaining warriors necks as they assumed positions, readying themselves for the second line.  Soon enough, someone caught a glimpse of black in their peripheral vision, and leaped down from their position cracking down on the massive bird's wings, wrenching them up and snapping its neck.  Dark red blood that appeared almost black came sizzling down onto the sand.  The rest of the wolves followed her example, letting out ear splitting shrieks as they dropped on the enemy.  Tadewi had the last bird under his massive paws, but right before he made the final bite, another larger crow swooped down, hurtling him over onto his back.  The crow balanced himself on Tadewi's forepaws and with one shove of the wings, he cracked down, snapping the sandy warriors arms from their sockets, and with one poisoned talon, ripped down his chest from top to bottom, splitting him open.  Tadewi let one last horrifying screech out, as his final breath left him.  Flocks descended onto the fallen warrior, picking at his flesh and his eyes, cruel cold laughter sent shivers down the Pack's fur.  The icy cold in their pelts turned to blazing heat.  They unleashed their full power.  Those with a power for water rose waves and with the smash of their paws on the beach the wave crashed down, killing dozens of crows.  Earth wolves retreated into the woods, where a few minutes later vines shot out at light speed, wrapping so tightly around the crows it cut and suffocated them, blackish blood sprinkled the ground as they were dragged into the forrest.  Those with a power for fire had little power since the sun was hidden, but drew what they could from the moon and the heat of the battle.  But it wasn't enough.  Wolves were laying everywhere where they had fallen, not moving from their own puddle of scarlet.  Cries of pain from both sides filled the air, sending terror to the inhabitants of the forrest.  Slowly creeping from her hiding place, a golden cub, not much older than Ember emerged.  She had a fixed gaze of determination on her tiny face, despite the fear coming off her in waves.  She took a deep breath and rushed forward, darting through the thickening battle, only occasionally slipping in blood.  Orial dared not look who's blood it was, for she knew it would only discourage her.  When she was smack in the middle, Orial let out the most terrifying and beautiful howl, quieting the beach.  The ground shook, and the earth opened up, encasing crows in its depths.  Waves washed over the field, dragging crows to their watery graves and cleansing the bloodied warriors.      The remaining crows turned to flee, but the biggest one and the leader, Razorbeak, led his gruesome warriors arround the moon, slicing their steel and bronze poisoned talons across the shining silver surface, leaving three ragged scars.  The sky gave the last protest, and mighty thunder burst the ebony warriors eardrums sending them plumiting into the hungry sea, before the lighting set fire to the rest.  About seventy escaped along with Razorbeak, but the battle was over.  Orial collapsed in the clearing, her body glowing gold.  Sam came forward and touched her body, which was still radiating the sun's golden light.  "Orial means the Golden One," his mighty voice rippled over the stunned battlefield, "She has brought light to the Pack.  She was the one of all affinities."  He scooped up the limp body, which was now dimming, and carried it to her sobbing mother.  The Pack dispearsed to clean their wounds ans clear bodies, and that was known forever as the battle of MoonScar.  Even to this day, people and wolves alike hear the sad moan of Tawedi, but the mortals claim it as the howling wind.  But the Native Americans know as well as we do, Tadewi, pronounced Tah- Deh- Weh, means Wind.

That night after we'd stuffed ourselves with all the kill we could eat, and dried our fur by the fire, I gazed up to the Pure Moon and gave silent thanks to the brave Tadewi and Orial, for being such brave and true warriors of the Sunset Pack.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ceremony

Silver ribbons of moonlight danced across the aqua sea, causing it to glow like a lava lamp.  The ribbons skipped cheerfully bouncing from wave to wave before hitting the shore and setting the white sands on fire.  Sam, the leader of the Island Pack was sitting on a tall black rock jutting out of the side of the formation, which was almost as dark as he was.  He had a silky black coat and piercing eyes like a hawk.  He called all the pack together to witness two young cubs becoming trainees.  Each wolf had the oppertunity to train the pups until they were worthy of being called Island Warriors.  Wynter and Shayde wriggledlike earthworms as their mother groomed their fur.  "We have gathered here under the full moon to welcome  these young cubs into their news lives.  They will train hard with their trainers, and will contribute to the pack as any other warrior can.  Shayde, come," he motioned towards a spot next to his on the rock.

 "Do you swear to train and prepare yourself as best as you can, and still uphold the rules of the pack?"

"Yes Sam."

"Do you swear to listen and obey your trainer, as long as the request is rational and true?"

"Yes Sam."

"Then I give you your trainer, Falcon."

A rusty brown and gold wolf named Falcon raised his had high and carried himself up to be seated by Shayde.  He licked inbetween the cubs ears and let a long howl loose, before the rest of the pack sang along in unision.  As Falcon and Shayde walked down the slope Same called, "Wynter."

She slowly climbed the slick slope up to Sam, concentrating hard on where she set her paws.  She sat down next to the massive grey wolf as he repeated the ancient words.  Wynter squeeked the final "I do" before Same called, "Moss!"  I jumped eagerly before making my way up the slope.  I had only walked up twice before.  One to become a trainee and once more to become a warrior.  I never dreamed my favorite cub would become my trainee.  When I reached the top of the slope I licked between Wynter's ears and they turned visibly red through her snow white fur.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Into the Camp

My neck was straining from having to carry the pheasant as well as a large turkey like bird. But it was all worth it when two little grey and white fluff balls came hurdling out of the dens and bowled me over, eagerly searching my fur for the smell of fresh kill. "Moss! Moss! You bwought back fooood!" howled Wynter. Her stormy grey brother Shayde gave me an imploring look with his big brown eyes, and I gave in, letting him half drag half carry the pheasant to his mother himself. "My! Did you catch that yourself!" cried one of the older pack members, Lark. He burried his muzzle in his paws and he looked as if his ears got so hot they'd melt the snow.
I grinned knowing how much that would mean to him, and turned to see how Wynter was fairing. She bound over leaving a wake of white flying behind her clumsy paws. "Moss pleeeeeeaaaaase teach me how to hunt! I want to be just like you!" she beamed. "Alright, copy me." I dropped into a low crouch, and she followed. "Now," I said in a hushed voice, "Make sure you're down wind, and move forward as silently as you can." I slid my paws across the ice and snow, and angled my ears to listen. Sure enough Wynter was creeping up quietly behind me. I turned my head to whisper, "Now, look there." She peered around my shoulders. "My brother?" Surely enough Shayde was carefully plucking feathers off another piece of prey, probably for lining his sleeping place. I gave her the signal, and she gathered up her muscles and sprung. "Aeek!" Yelped Shayde as Wynter landed squarely on his shoulders, sending feathers flying into the snowdrifts. "Wynter! You need to help me gather these!" I snickered watching Shayde's scowl fade into a lopsided grin as they batted the feathers around and rolled into a mock fight.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Hunt Begins

My paw were cracked with cold as they slid across the icy black stone. My claws scraped mercilessly along the frozen creek when time to cross came. I should probably tell you I'm a wolf warrior. There are many of us, and we all gather together on one island where we fight and hunt side by side, and right now, me and my hunting partner were slipping side by side. Currently in our wolf forms, the better choice for hunting seeming as humans are clumsier, she silently glided over the forrest floor. "Hush!" I barked over the snow. I had spotted a phaesant and it wasn't getting away. It was freezing and the pack needed any food we could get. I quietly set my paws down on the snow and the my belly fur drag along the snow. I crouched and gathered my muscles in my hind legs and prepared to spring. Watching the bird, I saw it was about to duck to grab its own prey when I released the springs in my hind quarters and brought down the bird. Feeling successful I dragged the bird back to my pack mates.