Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ceremony

Silver ribbons of moonlight danced across the aqua sea, causing it to glow like a lava lamp.  The ribbons skipped cheerfully bouncing from wave to wave before hitting the shore and setting the white sands on fire.  Sam, the leader of the Island Pack was sitting on a tall black rock jutting out of the side of the formation, which was almost as dark as he was.  He had a silky black coat and piercing eyes like a hawk.  He called all the pack together to witness two young cubs becoming trainees.  Each wolf had the oppertunity to train the pups until they were worthy of being called Island Warriors.  Wynter and Shayde wriggledlike earthworms as their mother groomed their fur.  "We have gathered here under the full moon to welcome  these young cubs into their news lives.  They will train hard with their trainers, and will contribute to the pack as any other warrior can.  Shayde, come," he motioned towards a spot next to his on the rock.

 "Do you swear to train and prepare yourself as best as you can, and still uphold the rules of the pack?"

"Yes Sam."

"Do you swear to listen and obey your trainer, as long as the request is rational and true?"

"Yes Sam."

"Then I give you your trainer, Falcon."

A rusty brown and gold wolf named Falcon raised his had high and carried himself up to be seated by Shayde.  He licked inbetween the cubs ears and let a long howl loose, before the rest of the pack sang along in unision.  As Falcon and Shayde walked down the slope Same called, "Wynter."

She slowly climbed the slick slope up to Sam, concentrating hard on where she set her paws.  She sat down next to the massive grey wolf as he repeated the ancient words.  Wynter squeeked the final "I do" before Same called, "Moss!"  I jumped eagerly before making my way up the slope.  I had only walked up twice before.  One to become a trainee and once more to become a warrior.  I never dreamed my favorite cub would become my trainee.  When I reached the top of the slope I licked between Wynter's ears and they turned visibly red through her snow white fur.

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