Friday, November 4, 2011

The Hunt Begins

My paw were cracked with cold as they slid across the icy black stone. My claws scraped mercilessly along the frozen creek when time to cross came. I should probably tell you I'm a wolf warrior. There are many of us, and we all gather together on one island where we fight and hunt side by side, and right now, me and my hunting partner were slipping side by side. Currently in our wolf forms, the better choice for hunting seeming as humans are clumsier, she silently glided over the forrest floor. "Hush!" I barked over the snow. I had spotted a phaesant and it wasn't getting away. It was freezing and the pack needed any food we could get. I quietly set my paws down on the snow and the my belly fur drag along the snow. I crouched and gathered my muscles in my hind legs and prepared to spring. Watching the bird, I saw it was about to duck to grab its own prey when I released the springs in my hind quarters and brought down the bird. Feeling successful I dragged the bird back to my pack mates.

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